

The Crypto Pump and Dump Trick You Wish You Knew Earlier.

In 2021, the month of October turned many crypto investors into billionaires, and enthusiasts are eagerly hoping if the market can bring another surge this year.

In short, the answer to this is "Yes, it is very probable". The entire crypto market is in a oversold state and there are several factors influencing it, though the main factor contributing to the fact is the pump and dump mechanism by crypto whales. The market had been stabilizing for almost a year after the previous bull run and it should be noted that though the bear market is gradual, the bull market is generally instantaneous in nature. A lower price is what is preferred by lumpsum big investors to accumulate max tokens for their investments.

Cryptocurrency investments are riskier than conventional investments due its high volatility.

The Pump and Dump Trick

Whales (Lumpsum Big investors) follow a Buy Low Sell High rule to grow their diversified assets. To buy low they shake the crypto market. Shaking the crypto market is a way of systematic cash-out so the price reaches a convenient lower level. This is done by making the coin price go so low that a general investor loses trust and the sell pressure increases gradually (bear market), and in turn lowering the coin price by a much more greater value. When the price reaches a significant low value, the whales then turn to re-invest their assets and accumulate maximum tokens at the lowest price. This lumpsum reinvestment then pumps the market and rises the coin value instantly which encourages the general mass to buy again and further increase the price significantly. As the prices rise higher and higher increasing the buy pressure, the whales go on to sell their assets they accumulated earlier. This then drops the market price and the cycle restarts.

No wonder why an average general investor always feel the price falling after an investment and rise after a sell, and always ending up buying high and sell low.

In crypto investment, one has to lose money for another to gain. This is what makes a whale a whale!