

BlackRock's Denial: Bitcoin's Rollercoaster Ride in the Wake of ETF Approval Speculation

Bombolo | News and Media

In the ever-volatile world of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin never ceases to amaze us. On a fateful Monday, Bitcoin's value surged skyward before plummeting back to Earth, all thanks to a curious twist involving the renowned asset manager, BlackRock. In this article, we're going to unravel this intriguing story step by step.

Bitcoin, renowned for its heart-pounding price swings, embarked on an exhilarating journey. At its peak, it soared by a whopping 10% to reach $29,900, a high not witnessed since August. The reason? A crypto media outlet, Coin Telegraph, claimed that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had given its blessings to BlackRock's application for a spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).

Also Read: Will a Bitcoin ETF Finally Get Approved in 2024?

A Dash of Doubt

But, as the crypto community was ready to pop the champagne, a voice of skepticism rang out. A reporter from Fox Business took to social media to dispel the euphoria. According to BlackRock, the report was entirely unfounded. In fact, BlackRock itself affirmed to Reuters that their "iShares Bitcoin ETP application is still under review by the SEC." Sources close to the SEC echoed the sentiment, confirming the application's pending status.

Cryptocurrency's Fickleness

The episode underlines the sheer sensitivity of cryptocurrency markets to potential good news. They are akin to a tightly coiled spring, ready to bounce at the slightest hint of optimism. Ben Laidler, a global markets strategist at eToro, aptly noted, "Crypto markets have just shown how sensitive they are to any potential good news, with their premature rally today on rumors of the approval of a spot bitcoin ETF."

Coin Telegraph's Apology

In the aftermath, Coin Telegraph found itself issuing a public mea culpa. Their initial report, which had stirred the pot, was retracted with an apology. In a statement, they admitted that their story had "led to the dissemination of inaccurate information" and launched an internal investigation. Within three hours, they pledged to share their findings with the public, and the initial post was promptly deleted.

Also Read: Bitcoin's Potential Trillion-Dollar Surge: Insights from a Former BlackRock Manager

The Waiting Game Continues

The crypto world had been on tenterhooks, awaiting the outcome of several pending spot bitcoin ETF applications. The approval of such applications is expected to be a game-changer for the cryptocurrency sector. However, the SEC's stance has been unwavering in its denial of these applications. Their main concern lies in the lack of adequate investor protection against market manipulation.

Joseph Edwards, head of research at London-based Enigma Securities, mused, "The move does show how monomaniacally obsessed the bitcoin market is with the coming spot ETFs." While this recent surge proved to be a "false alarm," it serves as an essential "dress rehearsal" for the inevitable day when the SEC delivers its final verdict.

Preparing for the Storm

Lucas Kiely, chief investment officer at Yield App, stressed the importance of preparing for what lies ahead. "Headline risk is creating a lot of volatility ahead of this SEC announcement, with everyone trying to get ahead of it, as the market will move markedly either way depending on the decision," he said. The impending SEC announcement remains a hot topic in the crypto world, and every development is keenly observed.

The Grayscale Connection

As a footnote to this saga, it's worth noting that on October 13, Reuters was the first to report that the SEC would not challenge a recent court ruling. This ruling found that the SEC had erred in rejecting an application from Grayscale Investments for a spot bitcoin ETF. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals is now set to issue a mandate in the coming week, instructing the SEC to revisit Grayscale's application. It's a development closely followed by the cryptocurrency industry.

In conclusion, the world of cryptocurrency remains a rollercoaster ride, with unpredictability as its hallmark. The saga of BlackRock's crypto adventure illustrates how even the slightest rumor can ignite a firestorm in the market. As we await the SEC's ultimate decision on spot bitcoin ETFs, the crypto world remains on the edge of its seat.

Also Read: The Anticipation and Reality of BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF Application


  1. What is a spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF)?
    A spot bitcoin ETF is a type of exchange-traded fund that allows investors to buy and sell Bitcoin at its current market price.
  2. Why is the SEC hesitant to approve spot bitcoin ETFs?
    The SEC is concerned that these ETFs do not provide sufficient protection for investors against market manipulation.
  3. What impact do false reports like this have on the cryptocurrency market?
    False reports can lead to significant price swings in the cryptocurrency market, highlighting its extreme sensitivity to news and rumors.
  4. What is the significance of the Grayscale case in this context?
    The Grayscale case showcases the legal complexities surrounding the approval of spot bitcoin ETFs and how it could influence future decisions.